What You Need to Know About Chilblains

When winter weather comes to town, millions of people suffer from this common condition (pronounced CHILL-blaynes). Called chilblains or perniosis, this condition develops when the skin-especially the extremities-is exposed to cold temperatures. Chilblains are patches of inflamed skin that are often mistaken for frostbite; however, they are usually the result of poor circulation. In what ways can it be prevented, what are the symptoms, and what are the treatments for chilblains? Keep reading to learn more about chilblains!

Why Do Chilblains Occur?

In cases of chilblains, red, inflamed, painful patches of skin often appear on toes, fingers, ears, and noses. Connective tissue is damaged by cold and humid weather, but not necessarily by freezing temperatures. Chilblains are red patches of skin that are itchy and sometimes blistered on your extremities. For more information, visit farmaciauno.it.

Chilblains: What are the causes?

In winter, there is no denying the chill in the air. The cause of this painful inflammation is something of a mystery, however. If the cold skin is exposed to much warmer air afterward, it is one of the quickest risks to developing the condition from not covering the extremities appropriately with a hat, gloves, and footwear in cold and humid weather. Blood leakage into surrounding tissues occurs when the blood vessels in extremities are suddenly rewarmed, leading to an expansion of the smaller blood vessels greater than the larger blood vessels. Those who wear tight clothing, or clothes that expose their skin to the elements during cold weather, may be at risk of getting chilblains. The condition is more likely to affect men than women, underweight people have a higher risk than people who are average weight, and people who live in humid climates have a higher risk as well. Chilblains are more likely to occur when you have Raynaud’s, diabetes, or some other circulatory disorder. The prevalence of chilblains is also higher among smokers.

Chilblain Treatment and Care

Fortunately, chilblains typically heal by themselves within 7-14 days. As a result, you may be able to manage the condition’s pain using these home remedies. Furthermore, chilblains should be managed, especially if there are blisters, since this can easily lead to infection.

Interventional medicine

Even though most cases of chilblains will heal without medical intervention, you should pay attention to blistering. If you are experiencing high levels of pain or think your chilblains may be infected, you should seek medical attention. In case you have diabetes or other complications, you may want to consult a doctor as well. Alternatively, your doctor may prescribe a blood pressure medicine to open up affected blood vessels, or a topical corticosteroid to the affected skin.

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Taking Care of Your Feet in Winter

Chilblains are especially common in the feet! Therefore, prevention is always better than cure. Be careful with your socks-make sure they are snug and change wet or sweaty ones quickly so that humidity and cold don’t conspire to cause harm. During the winter months, keep those feet toasty and avoid exposing them to the elements as much as possible. You should also take additional precautions if you have diabetes or poor blood circulation, as these factors can lead to chilblains!