How to Choose the Perfect Walkie Talkie for Your School

Walkie-talkies may seem like something you outgrew in the 90s, but schools are returning to these handy two-way radios. If you are a school owner or work in the education industry, knowing which walkie-talkie to choose can be confusing, mainly if you have never used walkie-talkies before. 

This blog will suggest some of the best walkie-talkies available on the market, helping you select the suitable walkie-talkies for school and explaining what each of these features means to you and your students. Walkie Talkies are available in all shapes and sizes, with many different features and capabilities.

What are walkie talkies?

Walkie-talkies are devices that are used for wireless communication. It sends and receives radio signals, and it works on a radio frequency sent and received by the walkie-talkies. So you don’t need to depend upon any cellular network. 

Advantages of using wireless devices in school

Wireless devices can provide a lot of convenience and flexibility in schools. For instance, teachers could use wireless walkie-talkies in classrooms to not have to yell across rooms or race down hallways when students ask questions. 

In addition, staff members and parents can keep track of where students are on campus by using walkie-talkies at school events like athletic competitions. It can help prevent children from getting lost or hurt while also helping them stay safe during these particular activities. Finally, wireless devices make it easier for administrators to communicate with each other during emergencies. 

In case of any emergency, such as a bomb threat or fire alarm, officials will be able to communicate quickly and effectively with one another over their two-way radios. In short, wireless devices offer many benefits that would benefit your school. You need to figure out which model is best for your specific needs. 

Here are some tips on choosing a great pair of two-way radios for your classroom or event.

Features you need to look in walkie talkies

When purchasing a pair of walkie-talkies, the features you will need to look at will depend on their use. Here is a list of features to consider when looking at walkie talkies 

1. Range 

How far can they reach? Is it a line of sight, or can it get over hills and buildings? How many miles can it get? 

2. Battery life 

How long do they last between charges? 

3. Waterproofing 

If you plan to use these outdoors or near water, you want to make sure they are waterproofed. 

4. Cost 

How much do these cost? 

5. Durability

Are these things built well enough to withstand being carried around by kids all day? 

6. Ease of use 

Do they have easy-to-use buttons and switches? Are they easy to program? 

7. Reliability 

Do other people have good experiences with these units? 

8. Warranty

What things do they offer in a warranty? 

9. Weight 

Some models weigh less than half a pound, while others weigh more than twice.

10. Size

Do you want something small like a keychain model or something more extensive like one that fits your hand?

Types of Motorola Two Way Radios

There are different Motorola two way radios, and a wide range ofwalkie talkies available can fit your budget. It’s essential to understand what each type of radio does before purchasing, and this will help you narrow down which kind of walkie talkie is best suited for your school’s needs.

Motorola walkie-talkies have push-to-talk capabilities. They allow users to communicate with one another as long as they are within range of one another. Push-to-talk refers to how users communicate with one another via their devices; they must press a button to speak into their device and have their voice heard by those around them. 

FRS refers to Family Radio Service, while GMRS is known as General Mobile Radio Service. Both services use similar frequencies, but GMRS has additional channels available to which FRS doesn’t have access. In addition, GMRS radios also offer repeater capabilities, whereas FRS radios do not. Repeaters repeat messages sent over a channel so others can hear it more clearly or if someone is out of range of other users using radios with similar frequencies.

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Choosing walkie-talkies for your school isn’t as easy as picking out any old toy. Safety is a serious issue, especially when you’re working with children. I hope this blog helps you choose two-way radios to ensure kids can stay safe while having fun learning and playing together.