What Is DSCR in Mortgage? Deciding If It’s the Right Loan for Your Situation

When you’re looking for a mortgage, it’s important to understand all of the terms that are being thrown around. One term you may have heard is DSCR. This stands for Debt Service Coverage Ratio, and it’s a very important metric when it comes to mortgages.

In this article, we’ll explain what is DSCR in mortgage loans and how it can affect your ability to get a financing option for your home purchase. We’ll also help you decide if this type of loan is right for your situation!

DSCR Loan Explained

When a lender is considering whether or not to approve your mortgage loan, one of the things they will look at is your DSCR. DSCR in real estate measures your ability to make your monthly loan payments, and it’s calculated by dividing your annual net operating income by your total annual debt service.

For example, let’s say you have an annual net operating income of $50,000 and a total annual debt service of $30,000. This would give you a DSCR of 1.67.

A high DSCR, like one that is above “2”, is generally seen as being better by lenders. Basically, this means that you have a lot of income available to make your loan payments each month. On the other hand, a DSCR that is under “1” is often seen as high risk.  

How Does DSCR Affect My Mortgage Loan?

Your DSCR can affect your mortgage loan in a few different ways. Firstly, if you have a low DSCR, it may be difficult to get approved for a loan at all. Secondly, even if you are approved for a loan with a low DSCR, you may end up paying a higher interest rate. This is because lenders see borrowers with lower DSCRs as being higher risk.

If you’re considered high risk, the lender will want to protect themselves by charging you a higher interest rate in case you default on your loan.

Can You Get a Loan with a Very Low DSCR?

It is possible to get a loan with a very low DSCR, but it will likely come with some caveats. For example, the lender may require you to make a larger down payment or they may only approve you for a shorter loan term. This is because they want to minimize their risk as much as possible.

So, if you have a low DSCR and are looking for a mortgage loan, be prepared to make some compromises.

Should You Get a Loan with a Low DSCR?

So, is it advisable to get one of these loans if your DSCR is on the lower end, in the first place?

The answer to this question really depends on your situation. If you have a low DSCR, but you’re confident that you can still make your monthly loan payments, then it may be worth it to get a loan with a higher interest rate. However, if you’re not sure that you can make the payments each month, it’s probably best to wait until your DSCR improves.

No matter what, it’s always important to speak with your lender before making any decisions. They will be able to help you understand what is DSCR in mortgage loans and how it will affect your specific situation!

What Are the Benefits of Taking Out a DSCR Loan

Like any other type of home loan, there are also benefits to taking out a loan with a DSCR mortgage.

1. No Strict Income Verification Requirement

One of the benefits of this type of loan is that there is no strict income verification requirement. This means that even if you are self-employed or have a fluctuating income, you may still be able to qualify for a DSCR mortgage.

Lenders will still need to see some proof of your income, but they are typically more lenient with what they will accept. So, if you have trouble providing traditional forms of income verification, this could be a good option for you!

2. Competitive Loan Products

Another benefit of DSCR loans is that they are highly competitive. You may be able to find a lower interest rate or more favorable terms than what is available with other types of loans.

For example, you could find a loan with a lower down payment requirement or a longer repayment term. This can make it easier to qualify for and afford the loan, which is especially helpful if you have a low DSCR.

3. Very Simple and Quick Loan Process

The loan process for a DSCR mortgage is also very simple. In most cases, you can apply for and be approved for a loan in just a few days! This is much faster than other types of loans, which can often take weeks or even months to get approved.

And, because of the rapid closing, you’ll be able to purchase your home and move in much faster than with other types of loans.

4. No Refinancing Risk

This means that, if interest rates rise after you’ve taken out your loan, you won’t have to worry about re-financing and incurring additional costs. With other types of loans, such as adjustable rate mortgages, you would need to refinance in order to get a lower interest rate. But with a DSCR mortgage, your interest rate will never change! So, you can rest easy knowing that your monthly payments will always be the same.

5. Unlimited Number of Loans

Surprisingly, there is no limit to the number of DSCR loans that you can take out, given that you are eligible! So, if you need to purchase multiple properties, you can do so without any worries. This can be a great option for investors who are looking to buy several rental properties.

Are There Any Disadvantages of Taking Out a DSCR Mortgage?

Of course, like with anything else, there are also some disadvantages to taking out a loan with a DSCR mortgage.

The first drawback is that your interest rate will likely be higher than what is available with other types of loans. In general, the higher the risk of a loan, the higher the interest rate will be. And, because DSCR loans are considered to be higher risk, the interest rates are usually higher than what you would get with a traditional loan.

The second disadvantage is that you may have trouble qualifying for a DSCR mortgage if your credit score is low. Lenders prefer to work with borrowers who have high credit scores. So, if your score is on the lower end, it may be difficult to find a lender who is willing to give you a loan. Of course, this isn’t always the case, and there are some lenders who specialize in working with borrowers with bad credit. But it’s still something to keep in mind when considering a DSCR mortgage.

Lastly, you may not be able to get as much money when taking out a DSCR mortgage, especially when you are renting it out later on. This is because the loan amount is typically based on the value of your property. So, if your property isn’t worth very much, you may not be able to borrow as much money.

DSCR Loan Down Payment Requirements

The down payment requirements for a debt service coverage loan are usually higher than for other types of loans. Again, this is because lenders see this as a high-risk loan, and they want to protect themselves in case you default on the loan. As a result, you may be required to put down 20% or more of the purchase price when taking out a DSCR mortgage.

However, there are some programs that can help you with the down payment, such as government-backed loans. So, if you’re having trouble coming up with the money for a down payment, you can speak with your lender about all of your options!

For more information on DCSR mortgages, you can visit this page: https://mortgage.shop/dscr-loan-and-mortgage-program/.

How to Get a DSCR Loan

Now that you know what is DSCR in mortgage and have determined that it’s the right financing option for your situation, it’s time to learn how to get it. As stated above, the process will be fairly simple.

1. Find a Lender That Offers This Type of Loan

You can ask your bank or credit union if they offer this type of loan. Or, you can search for lenders online. There are many different lenders who offer DSCR mortgages, so you should have no trouble finding one that meets your needs.

When searching for a lender, be sure to compare interest rates and fees. This will help you ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible on your loan.

You can use an online loan comparison site, like Credible, to compare rates from multiple lenders at once! This can save you a lot of time and effort. Plus, it’s free to use!

2. Speak with the Lender to Assess Your Eligibility

Once you’ve found a lender, you’ll need to speak with them to assess your eligibility for the loan. They’ll pull your credit score and review your financial situation. If they determine that you’re eligible, they’ll give you a loan estimate.

This document will include information like the interest rate, monthly payment, and fees associated with the loan. Be sure to review it carefully before moving forward!

If everything looks good to you, then you can move on to the next step.

3. Apply for the Loan

Now, it’s time to apply for a DSCR mortgage loan. The lender will require you to fill out a mortgage application. This will include information like your employment history, income, debts, and assets.

Once you’ve submitted the application, the lender will review it and determine whether or not you’re approved for the loan. If you are approved, they’ll send you a loan commitment letter. This document will outline the terms of your loan and what your next steps are.

After everything is done, congratulations! You’ve just taken out a DSCR mortgage and are on your way to becoming a homeowner.


Q: How long do I have to re-pay a DSCR loan?

A: Being a high-risk financing option, the repayment terms for a DSCR loan are typically shorter than other types of loans. Generally speaking, you may be required to repay the loan in as little as five years.

Q: What is the minimum credit score that I need to qualify for a DSCR mortgage?

A: The minimum credit score that you’ll need to qualify for a DSCR mortgage will vary from lender to lender. However, it’s generally recommended that you have a score of at least 620 before applying for this type of loan.

Q: Can I use a DSCR loan to buy commercial properties?

A: No, DSCR loans are only available for the purchase of residential properties.

Q: Can I use a DSCR loan to buy a residential rental property?

A: Yes, you can use a DSCR mortgage to finance the purchase of a rental property. In fact, this type of loan is a popular option for rental investors.

Q: If I default on my loan, what will happen?

A: If you default on your DSCR loan, the lender may foreclose on your property. This means that they could take ownership of the property and sell it in order to recoup their losses.

Q: What should I do to avoid defaulting on my loan?

A: The best way to avoid defaulting on your DSCR mortgage is to make your monthly payments on time and in full. You should also try to keep your debt-to-income ratio low to afford your monthly payments. If you’re having trouble making ends meet, speak with your lender about possible solutions.

Also read: What types of options are available for emergency loans with bad credit

DSCR Mortgage: The Bottom Line

Taking out a loan to buy a home is a big decision. And, at the end of the day, it is yours and yours alone to make. By understanding what is DSCR in mortgage products, properly reviewing your options, and only dealing with a reputable lender that offers such a loan, you can assure yourself that you are making the best decision for your financial situation.

For more information that you can use in buying a home, please check out the rest of our posts. Good luck!