What are Mouth Guards, their Types, and Which Mouthguards are Best for You?

Do you use mouth guards? Are you aware of the benefits of using mouthguards while playing or sleeping? Do you want to know how many types of mouthguards are there and which one is the best for you? If yes, this article is worth reading. Here we will let you know what are mouth guards, how many types of mouthguards exist, and which ones are best for you? So, stay with us and continue reading this guide to explore all the helpful information you need to know about mouthguards.

What are Mouthguards?

A mouthguard is a device that helps in protecting your teeth from grinding or clenching when you sleep according to this dentist in Williamsburg. These devices also protect your teeth from injuries when you are playing sports. Furthermore, mouthguards also help in reducing snoring and relieving obstructive sleep apnea.

Who Should Use Mouthguards?

Anyone can use a mouthguard. Children and adults can use these devices. Adults who play contact sports such as football, boxing, ice hockey, soccer, or basketball must wear mouthguards. However, even if you do not play contact sports and participate in any recreational activity, you must still wear mouthguards. These devices significantly reduce the risk of injury to the mouth or teeth.

Furthermore, adults or kids who grind their teeth at night must use mouthguards for sleeping to prevent any damage to the teeth.

3 Different Types of Mouthguards

It is worth mentioning that all mouthguards are not the same. There are three different types of mouthguards which vary depending on your needs. Let’s discuss three different types of mouthguards.

  1. Stock Mouthguards

A stock mouthguard is the most common and affordable type of mouthguard. It is readily available in goods stores or drug stores. A stock mouthguard is available in all sizes ranging from small and medium to large. You can choose the one that comfortably fits over your teeth. Most of the stock mouthguards only cover the top of your teeth.

  1. Boil-and-bite Mouthguards

Just like stock mouthguards, boil-and-bite mouthguards are available in most drugstores. These mouthguards are relatively inexpensive.

The best thing about boil-and-bite mouthguard is it is available in one size, which you can customize to fit your teeth. The process involves boiling the mouthguard until it softens and then placing it over the front of your teeth and biting it down.

To take maximum advantage, you must ensure that you follow the instructions that come with the mouthguard.

  1. Custom-Made Mouthguards

You can get a custom-made mouthguard from your dentist. The dentist will take a mold of your teeth and use it to prepare a mouthguard that specifically fits your teeth and mouth. Such mouthguards perfectly fit your teeth, providing a better and more comfortable experience.

The best thing about a custom-made mouthguard is that it does not accidentally dislodge when you are sleeping.

So, if you grind your teeth, snore, or have sleep apnea, the best solution to your problem is a custom-made mouthguard. Although these mouthguards are relatively expensive; however, they are much better than over-the-counter mouthguards.

Which Types of Mouthguards are Best for Which Activity?

Are you wondering which type of mouthguard should I use for different activities? If yes, wonder no more. Here is a brief explanation.

  • Sports

Contact sports such as football, soccer, boxing, basketball, etc., involve a high risk of falling or causing injuries that can impact your face. That’s where a mouthguard comes into play. It helps protect your teeth and minimizes the risk of injuries to your teeth and mouth.

A stock mouthguard or boil-and-bite mouthguard is perfect for contact sports players. These mouthguards are inexpensive and serve the purpose in the best possible manner.

  • Teeth Grinding and Clenching

Teeth grinding and clenching are related to a condition called bruxism, a sleep-related movement disorder. It can lead to various problems such as jaw pain, tooth pain, and sore gums. Wearing a custom mouthguard while sleeping keeps your top and bottom teeth separated so that they don’t damage each other from the pressure of clenching or grinding.

  • Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a severe sleep disorder that causes a person to stop breathing temporarily while sleeping. This condition does not allow your brain to receive sufficient oxygen, increasing the risk of heart diseases and stroke. 

A custom-made bite guard is perfect for individuals suffering from sleep apnea. This mouthguard pushes your lower jaw and tongue forward and keeps the airway open.

Also read: Periotomes Technique For Dental Extraction Procedures

Final Remarks

A mouthguard serves various purposes. If you are habitual of grinding or clenching your teeth, are involved in contact sports, or suffering from sleep apnea, a mouthguard can be the best solution for your problem. So, get the best mouthguard for you, depending on your requirements, to minimize the risk of causing an injury to your teeth or mouth.