Gaming gadgets you might need to play the Madden NFL series: The guide

If you’re interested in the NFL, you should have already been hooked to the NFL odds and playing NFL video games. One of the best NFL video games that the world has seen is the Madden NFL series.

Come with us as we take a look at the different gaming gadgets you might need to play the Madden NFL series.

What are the Madden NFL video games?

Before we look at the different gadgets you may need to play the Madden NFL series, we need to have a clear understanding of what the Madden NFL series is. The world saw the birth of the Madden NFL series in 1989 with the release of John Madden Football. The computer series, which was initially released for Apple II, got its big break in 1990 with the release of the Sega Genesis Console. It wasn’t until 1991 that the franchise adopted its game to be played on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. 

Since its release in 1989, Madden NFL has had three editions, with the Madden 22 having three editions and Madden 22 having two. The Madden 23 has a standard version and an All-Madden edition which offers you a few added bonuses at a cost. 

It’s always important to remember that sports-related video games are usually adapted from real-life sports such as soccer, football, tennis, golf, and many more. Their point is to put you in the game as a player with control over the outcome of the game. You can become your favorite player with these games instead of waiting for the NFL lines.  

Where can I play the Madden NFL series video games?

Thankfully just like the Vegas NFL odds, the Madden series offers you various options regarding the platforms you can use to play their video games. Below we look at the different platforms you can use to play the Madden series. 

  • Windows
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox one
  • Xbox series 
  • Stadia

This means that you can play on various devices meaning that you can use a variety of gadgets. Come with us as we take a look at the different gadgets you may need to play the Madden NFL series.


If we can control the elements in the game, then we can’t play the game as needed. A controller allows you to control all the elements in the game, making the game enjoyable. There are different types of controllers, so you may want to consider the equipment you already have when deciding on what you may need. Where possible, try to find the latest gadgets to help you get the best out of your gaming. 

A type of monitor

When we play video games, we’ll need to be able to see what we’re playing, which is where monitors come into play. Many people use different things, but many tend to stick to traditional means of seeing, such as tv screens, computer screens, and other conventional ways to see. Some have also opted to use projectors, which can come in handy. 


We tend not to think of all the nitty gritty things that go into setting up, which is why many overlook cables. Cables are used to connect one device to another, which is why it’s an essential element for many. Always make sure you use cables that are compatible with both of your devices. Where you can use a wireless connection, then do so; however, it’s always good to check which cable is best for your goal. 

Also read: How Mobile Gaming is Catching up to Desktop


Finding the right gaming gadgets to play the Madden NFL series is significant, especially when you plan on playing it. Always make sure that you get what you need for your needs. Taking a deep look at the equipment you already have and try to work to find what you may need. When in doubt, always trust the person you find in-store or may make inquiries of your own.