What are the requirements for prescribing cannabis?

prescribing cannabis

If you’re interested in using medical marijuana, you can read about its regulations and how to get a prescription. Learn about the conditions that can qualify for the use of medical marijuana, the prescriptions that are required, and licensing requirements for dispensaries. It’s an exciting time for the cannabis industry, and the first step in … Read more

What Is Polydrug Use and What Are the Side Effects?


Taking drugs is risky, whether you are prescribed them by a doctor or you’re buying them off the street; if misused, all come with an adverse set of side effects. So, when an individual takes two or more substances, the risk of experiencing adverse side effects increases – this is known as polydrug use. There … Read more

Why Choose Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies?


Since 1980, murine monoclonal antibodies have dominated the industry; however, the importance of rabbits, especially Oryctolagus cuniculus (also known as European rabbits), as immunology models has led to their consideration as a more suitable source of monoclonal antibodies. This leads to the question, why choose rabbit monoclonal antibodies when mice antibodies are already available? Supported … Read more

Things To Do When You Turn 30

Things To Do When You Turn 30

With aging comes a number of other changes – less energy, loss of hair, wrinkles, and yes, bags under the eyes. In order to combat these things and ensure a youthful appearance for as long as possible, be sure to take care of yourself! 1. Celebrate your 30th birthday! 2. Take a trip to a … Read more

Will Vaping Sundae Driver Feminized Seeds Help Fight Anxiety?

Vaping Sundae Driver Feminized Seeds

Getting stuck behind a Sunday Driver is one of the most annoying things you experience, especially while in a hurry. However, Sundae Driver Cannabis Strain has something quite the opposite to offer. The Sundae Driver Strain of the cannabis plant would offer you a tremendous and distinct euphoric and relaxing experience and help you relieve … Read more

Complete hair transplant guide that gives results

hair transplant

People who suffer from hair loss or alopecia have plenty of options for hair transplant procedures. Still, not all clinics are equal in quality, and many patients end up disappointed by their results. We headed to Mittal Hair Clinic, which has an international reputation as one of the best hair transplant clinic, to see whether … Read more