Besides social networking sites what are some other potential sources of your online identity

Identity protection is one of the important thing to secure yourself and your personal details from the cyber attacks and hackers. If you wandering, besides social networking sites what are some other potential sources of your online identity, then answer are online forums, blogs, job websites, business websites, google business profiles and more.

Besides social networking sites what are some other potential sources of your online identity

Here we will discuss all these sources in details.

Online Forums

Most of us have used online forums. We use online forums to discuss social issues, complains about any brands, solve our questions and more. We give details while sign up. Also we give details for solve our questions. This is one of the source of online identity where we can know about some one. You have to give details carefully. We see some time people give even there address and other information to solve their questions.


Blogs are second source of online identity. It is also helpful when you want to create your brand. You can give information about you, your hobby and many more things in your blog. Write about things that you can share publicly. People will find your through search engines and visit your blog. Same things apply when you write comments in another blogs.

Job websites

Job websites are the one of the potential source of online identity. We write all important information about ourself while registering on job websites like phone number, name, email id, address, job profile, passport number. hobby and many more things. Only register on job websites which are genuine. Nowadays hackers use information for cyber crime. Online marketers also use this information for marketing purpose. We see many websites, advertise fake vacancies and tell users to fill the forms only for their benefits.

Business websites

Business websites are good source of online identity to grow your business. You can give your professional details and many more things about your business to grow it rapidly. This is one of the best sources of online identity for start ups.

Google Business Profiles

Google business profiles is one of the source of online identity. You can use it free. Also, you do need more time and efforts to reach millions of people. Anyone can reach to you by searching on Google. You can write about you and your business to make a brand. We call this a good source of online identity.

Now we will tell you about how to protect your online identity to protect yourself from scam and cyber threats.

As the percentage of the population using over internet increases, the risk of security is also increased. Are you worried about the privacy of your personal online or digital identity? Here you need to know how to protect your digital identity over the internet. The cyber threats, cyber crimes, and frauds all are going to be in need of various different ways to protect your digital identity. As there are many ways to protect your personal identity on the internet.  Here we guide you on some best ways to protect your online identity. 

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Which is not sufficient to protect your identity and how to protect your online identity

Limit Your Personal Information on Social Media

Sharing your personal information too much on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter gives more invitations to the cybercrime to access your personal information and it can also allow them to get your financial information attached to your personal online identity. Explore different privacy settings over social media profiles that might limit viewing your personal information to limited people to whom you give access to see your digital identity. Check out Fortifid to learn more about this topic.

Keep on the Browser Blacklisting

Internet browsing over days are too used which gives the lack of internet security. There are many web browsers that have options for browser blacklist in which you can all navigate the browsing trusted sites. On the same side, you can use different search engines where you can block irrelevant ads and sites.

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Avoid Scams

There are varieties of methods to access personal information and block personal identity. There are many scam options you should avoid and be careful while an unknown person sends you any links don’t open that links. Additionally, if anyone sends you the money offers and price rewards don’t click on their site links as it may be the scam to get your personal online identity that may be you attached with your bank details.

Enable All Browser Cookies – If Required Only

To protect your online data set up your browser with options of enabling the cookies. The cookies can store all information about what sites you visit and data that you enter into it as your information. You can enable the cookies if and only if trusted sites and limited to site information only. 

Protect Your Credit Cards Information

In the world of the digital era, you have to take care of your cash and bank details. Make sure to keep secure your credit and debit cards information. Avoid the use of credit or debit card details on suspicious websites. It can be a scam of getting your details s don’t access or accepting the cookies from those sites. Monthly check your credit card or debit card statements carefully.

Use Quality Antivirus Software

The use of antivirus software in your device gives you virus protection by which non of the viruses can hang your device and leak your any personal identity. This software keeps hackers away from your pieces of information and tracks your personal details. The manufacturers frequently updated their all software to keep virus protection and defense against hackers and spyware.  

All above are different ways you can use to protect your online identity and keep yourself safe from any frauds, or cybercrimes. As well as secure your personal and financial and locations of your identity. This article will also help you to promote yourself in different ways other than social media networks. This will help your business and start up to grow.