What is required for an individual to access classified data

If you have question like What is required for an individual to access classified data? then answer of this question is, you need proper approval or clearance from the specified authority. Also, you need to sign non disclosure agreement.

What is required for an individual to access classified data

Classified data should not reach to other person. This is the reason proper documentation required to access this data. Before that clearance is required.

What is Classified data or information?

Classified data is any information that is very sensitive and own by the government. The information access is protected and restricted. Mishandling of this data is one type of crime. No one can access without proper clearance and signed document. All this clearance should be in formal manner. There are few types of marking done on the documents like confidential, secret, top secret and restricted.

Now a days many private organizations also make different types of security levels for protect their trade documents.

Classified data is also categorized in different manner by each country. United States has three levels for classified information like confidential, secret and top secret.

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