7 Questions to Consider Before Finalizing Your Legal Team

If you’re looking to hire a lawyer, chances are that you’re going through a tough time. Maybe you have suffered an accident or been a medical malpractice victim. Whatever the case, you are probably experiencing a lot of emotional and mental stress. The pressure to choose the best lawyer can compound that stress because it is not an easy decision to make. 

However, there are a lot of tools available online that can help you make the best decision. For example, if you’re choosing a lawyer in Texas, you can go to the website of the State Bar of Texas and see if the lawyer you’re considering has had any disciplinary sanctions within the last ten years. This can help you avoid lawyers who have been in hot water in the past due to their mistakes. In addition to past mistakes, here are a few other things to consider before choosing a legal team to represent you.

Where is their firm based?

Instead of pursuing a famous lawyer with a great reputation who lives on the other side of the country, choosing a lawyer who works near where you live is better. This will ensure that your legal team is well-versed in the laws of your area, as laws can differ from state to state. Moreover, you can have regular meetings with them more easily. Hence, if you live in Knoxville, choose an attorney in Knoxville TN to ensure you get the best possible legal advice. 

What is their area of expertise?

There are numerous different areas of practice in the legal field, and each lawyer has their own specialization. Hiring an attorney who specializes in environmental law to fight your alimony case will go about as well as getting a cardiothoracic surgeon to operate on your fractured leg. Before finalizing your attorney, make sure that they have enough experience in the field of law in which you require help. Some firms employ several different lawyers, each with their own specialty. 

If you choose to work with a firm, check if the lawyer assigned to your case has the relevant experience.

Will they be able to give your case the time and attention it requires?

Each case requires a good number of hours from its legal team for even the slightest chance of a win. The more complicated a case, the more time and attention it will need. There is a lot of research to be done and people to be interviewed. 

When choosing your legal team, an essential factor is whether they have enough manpower to do all these things effectively. While the busy work can be delegated to the junior members of the team or paralegal staff, you want your lawyer to make all the important decisions themselves. Make sure the lawyer you hire has the time and energy to do so.

How much do their services cost?

Legal help can be quite costly, so it is important to hire someone you can afford. The exact legal fee can depend on several factors, like how difficult the case is and how long it lasts, but a lawyer who is an expert in their field will be able to give you a rough estimate during the first consultation. 

Never go for lawyers who offer their services for suspiciously low prices, as they may be inexperienced in the field or too incompetent. On the other hand, just because someone is charging a high fee does not mean they are an excellent lawyer. Hence, it is best to research the firm’s experience and the lawyer’s expertise before reaching your final decision.

How will they charge you for their services?

It is not only important to know how much a law firm will charge you but how they will charge you. They may bill you at a fixed hourly rate for hours spent in court and researching or collecting evidence. They may charge a flat fee if they have a good idea of how much workload will be involved in your case. Sometimes, a retainer fee is also required. A contingency fee is decided for cases that could result in a payout. 

In this method, you do not pay the lawyer anything if you lose, but if you win, they get a certain percentage of your payout. 

Who is a part of their legal team?

When consulting with a big firm, the person you first meet is usually not the person who will be working on your case. The firm will ask you for details about your case and then match you with the lawyer who they think is most suitable for the job. This lawyer will work with a team of junior associates and paralegal staff to fight your case. It is important to know who is on this team before you make a final decision, as that can have a significant impact on your case.

Do they respond to your queries in time?

Communication is an important aspect of any legal proceeding as it is only natural for you to have questions during the whole legal process. Some lawyers give their clients a hard time when they try to get in touch with them. Emails are left unanswered, and phone calls are seldom returned. 

This can exacerbate your anxiety and lead to a gap in communication. Before deciding on a lawyer, ask them how you can reach them and how soon you can expect to hear back from them. Also, let them know how regularly you will be expecting updates on the case.

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Choosing an attorney can be overwhelming when you’re already in a bind. The outcome of your case depends on the experience and knowledge of your lawyer, and thus, you should do thorough research before hiring one. 

Choose a lawyer who works in your area and specializes in the relevant legal field. Get an estimate of how much their services cost and how they would like to be paid to ascertain if you can afford to hire them. Inquire about how big their team is, who will work on your case and whether they have enough time to do justice to it. Determine whether the lawyer is good at communicating and gives prompt responses to your queries. Most importantly, try to build a good working relationship with your lawyer so that the whole process can be as smooth as possible.