What Questions to Ask Before Choosing an Aged Care Home

What are some of the essential factors in an aged care home? This article will discuss staffing ratios, activities, health services, and food, among other things. You may also want to consider the home’s policies and ask about advanced care directives, end-of-life wishes, and exercise programs. These are just a few things to consider before choosing an aged care home for your parents.

Staffing ratios

The importance of staffing ratios cannot be underestimated, and the number of staff largely dictates the cost of aged care services. 

Many nursing homes state that there are 6-8 staff members per resident, but the reality is much different. A single staff member can be responsible for fifteen residents during the nighttime. When the staffing ratios are high, the nursing home’s representatives must be transparent about their staffing levels and explain how they manage their workload. If they refuse to divulge this information, the safety of your loved one is at stake.

In addition to caring for your loved one, aged care staffing ratios are essential in ensuring they get the best quality care. Nurses who specialise in aged care are vital to providing the best care. However, there are a growing number of shortages of registered nurses. 


If you are looking for creative ways to engage your residents and make their stay in the aged care home more enjoyable.

Check out the activities at respect.com.au/aged-care-homes/cooinda/. These activities range from arranging a picnic for residents to participating in community events. It’s crucial to find a place where you can easily walk and rest areas for your residents to sit down. Adding exercise is essential for mental and physical health, and seated yoga is an excellent way to increase flexibility and mental wellbeing.

Depending on the condition of your loved one, you’ll want to consider the level of activity your relative would enjoy. If you’re looking for a home that offers the most enjoyable activities, check whether it’s a residential care home. Activity programs at nursing homes are a vital part of person-centred care and part of a cultural change movement that focuses on engaging residents in activities.

Health services

The cost of aged care services varies. Some services are funded by the government, while others are private. The government subsidises the costs of most types of aged care, including respite care. You may qualify for aged care at a younger age if your situation requires it. Regardless of the cost, it’s worth researching the options available before making a final decision.

The government funds several types of aged care homes in Australia. The cost of these homes depends on the type of care you need. A residential assisted living complex may be an affordable option if your loved one requires only minor daily assistance. On the other hand, a skilled nursing home provides 24-hour care by licensed health professionals. Most aged care homes charge a means-tested fee, which means you may have to pay a small portion of the fees.


Poor food quality has been a key complaint against aged care facilities for years. The food at a residential aged care home should be nutritious, tasteful and nutritionally sound. Several homes provide their residents with cooking programs to maintain meaningful activities while at home. 

It is recommended that the elderly eat three meals daily, compared to four or five small meals. They should also have two or three snacks in between. Various foods are vital for the elderly to get all the essential nutrients. Foods should also be rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, and they should also be rich in omega -3 fatty acids and vitamin D. To help them get the nutrients they need, the aged care home should offer plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The quality of food at an aged care home can vary dramatically. Many aged care homes rely on commercial supplements for nutritional support, and their meals are generally of poor quality. In addition, the food served at these facilities is often made of heat-and-serve meals, with little effort spent on the preparation of meals. Some aged care providers also rely on regular aged carers to cook meals for residents. In addition to good food, aged care providers must provide adequate staff training to ensure the meals are nutritious and enjoyable.