What are the common ways to control dust at a mining site?

Dust suppression can be achieved using a variety of methods. The methods include wetting agents, water or vacuum trucks, or central vacuum systems. This article covers some of the most common methods. Once you understand how they work, you can implement them to minimise dust. In addition to wetting agents, you can also use garnet, which is a less toxic abrasive than powders.


While dust control at mining sites is a top priority, it also requires a lot of water. A typical mining site needs four litres of water per square meter per day or about one gallon per 10.8 square feet. To calculate the exact amount of water required, multiply the mine’s total square footage by three to account for roads, ribs, and other structures. This figure will determine the amount of water required for dust control daily. Furthermore, water is becoming increasingly expensive to procure, especially in arid regions. In addition to the cost of water, regular water use will increase labour costs, which are significant for sustainability.

One of the problems with water used to control dust at a mining site is its environmental impact. 

Wetting agents

The effectiveness of wetting agents depends on their wetting properties. For coal dust, the wettability is influenced by surface tension. The lower the surface tension, the wetter the dust becomes. This property of wetting agents is inversely proportional to the surface tension of coal dust. Wetting agents have the highest wetting properties when made of nonionic surfactants.

Wetting agents can be atomised to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. The wetting effect is also observed in conveying applications. Water spray systems wet the material continuously throughout its transportation process. However, increased water content reduces the moisture specifications of the ore and decreases its transport efficiency. For this reason, wetting agents are more effective when they are added to the material before it is transported.

Vacuum trucks

A vacuum truck is a large machine that can collect dust and debris from a site. Its combination of water and pressurised air can effectively collect dirt and debris. A vacuum truck is typically used for large-scale clean-up projects, and its suction power can remove heavy materials from roadways and remove toxic waste buildup.

A vacuum truck may not have a high vacuum operating distance, so people must make sure to clear the area before the truck arrives. They should also be secured with wheel chocks. The hose should be long enough to reach the worksite. Make sure the hose has the right connections and is in good condition. If you don’t plan to use a vacuum truck, you should hire a contractor to do it for you.

Central vacuum systems

The system is designed to remove small amounts of dust, not convey large quantities. The system must be sized appropriately and free from obstructions. It is important to consider critical points, as these can generate resistance and reduce system efficiency. In laying out the system, avoid sharp turns and twists, as they may impede airflow and cause material buildup.

Air quality regulations require a comprehensive approach to fugitive dust control. 

The central vacuum system can be divided into two different types: the conventional vacuum and the dilution method. The traditional way of collecting dust is to rely on natural air currents, but this is not cost-effective. Therefore, a central vacuum system is the most effective way to control dust in a mining site. The dilution method is an ideal solution if the area is too large to be adequately cooled. You may also ask Global Road Technology, and they will surely be able to help you with this.

Using a shield

The evolution of the shield resistance is characterised by a rapid increase after an initial setting. The yield valve frequently opens during the rapid increase of the shield resistance. During the rapid increase of resistance, the cumulative roof convergence is clear.

In addition, the foam can control the amount of respirable dust. The foam applied by the longwall shearer would spray a layer of foam on the roof surface as it passed. It will help determine the effectiveness of additional dust-control measures at mining sites.