Top tips for purchasing a menstrual cup kit

We’ve got you covered if you’re looking for a menstrual cup kit but don’t know where to start! From design and size to hand hygiene, we’ve got you covered! This article will go over some of the main features you should look for. Read on to find the perfect menstrual cup kit for your needs!

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When choosing a menstrual cup, check the size before purchasing. Most cup kits come in two sizes: A and B. A small menstrual cup is great for women with a high cervix and light to medium flow, and larger sizes are best for women with a heavy flow. However, if you’re unsure which cup is best for you, it’s best to consult your gynecologist.

The right size menstrual cup can reduce the risk of leaks, and it also provides a sanitary seal to be worn for up to twelve hours without fear of spilling. You can also adjust the size of the menstrual cup by simply adjusting the stem. A menstrual cup is easy to use and can be inserted easily. Just wash it thoroughly between uses to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

The sizes of organiCup and Juju menstrual cups are very similar, with both types of menstrual cups being available in three sizes. For example, a woman with a low cervix may be better suited for the smaller size. And a woman with a high cervix may be better served with a larger size. Women with a high cervix or a long vaginal canal may want a smaller size, while an adult with a lower cervix may benefit from a larger size.


Whether you prefer disposable pads or menstrual cups, there’s a design for you at JuJu period kit. These kits combine the convenience of disposable menstrual products with the ease of cleaning and ease of use. There are many different types of menstrual kits, each with different features. Whether you’re a new user or an expert, a menstrual kit will make your life easier. Learn more about them by reading reviews.

Most people have trouble removing their menstrual cups. That’s why the Keela cup was created. The cup’s unique design makes it easier to remove, as most menstrual cups require pinching your fingers to fold. The string attached to the top of the cup helps to provide this folding action. 

Hand hygiene

When you look for a menstrual cup kit, you’ll want to make sure you have some hand hygiene supplies. Hand hygiene is crucial for sanitary cups, so be sure to follow the instructions on cleaning them thoroughly. Wash your hands with warm water and mild soap, and then clean your cup before re-inserting it. You can also purchase special hand soap that will help you maintain the proper hygiene of your cups.


Menstrual cups are reusable, but cleaning them is essential for long-term use. Always rinse them out thoroughly with water from a water bottle, and wipe them dry with a clean tissue before storing them. It is advisable to wash the cups in bottled water or a separate, enclosed container. When travelling, women should carry a small travel-size bottle of soap and some lukewarm water.

To disinfect your menstrual cup, you should follow the instructions provided with the kit. Boiling water is ideal for cleaning your menstrual cup, while Milton tabs can help you to disinfect your cup. The menstrual cup kit should be kept out of direct sunlight, and it should not be left out for too long, as the temperature can make it contaminated. However, storage of a menstrual cup kit is very easy!

To store the menstrual cup, you can purchase a breathable storage pouch. It should keep your cup safe from dirt and air while allowing proper air circulation. You can also store your menstrual cup kit in a vanity drawer to keep it fresh. Daily cleaning will remove surface bacteria and odour, but it will not remove the entire cup’s odour. Sterilization will eliminate the bacteria, make it sterile and prepare it for storage.

If you want to buy a menstrual cup, you should purchase it from a trusted brand. The reputable brand in India is Sirona. Its silicone material will not leak and is designed for women over the age of thirty. It also helps to reduce the amount of odour and dryness during menstrual cycles. It is advisable to wash your menstrual cup after every cycle.