Drug and Alcohol Test in the Workplace: Vital Factors to Note

Multiple companies feature a “drug and alcohol testing” policy for their employees. Misusing these substances can negatively impact a person’s ability to execute their daily endeavours as intended, reducing organizational productivity and can put other employees at risk.  Thus, it’s no surprise that many companies make these tests compulsory from the interviewing process to the … Read more

A Closer Look at the Importance of Medical Transcription in the Healthcare Industry

Medical transcription is a vital process in the healthcare industry. It involves the accurate transcription of dictated medical reports by physicians and other healthcare professionals. This information is then used to generate bills, track patient care, and research purposes. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the importance of medical transcription … Read more

First Aid Supplies: Instructions for 4 Medical Emergencies

When it comes to medical emergencies, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. That’s why it’s important to have a first aid kit on hand at all times, just in case something happens. This blog post will discuss four different medical emergencies and how to deal with them. Keep in mind that this is … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to the Different Types of Cannabinoids

types of cannabinoids

Are you a fan of cannabis? Are you looking to learn more about the chemical components that give this flower its medicinal and psychoactive effects? If so, make sure to familiarize yourself with cannabinoids. Not only do cannabinoids give cannabis its signature flavor, but they are also responsible for giving us the high that we … Read more

Simple Steps to Conquer Your Child’s Fear of Paediatric Dietitian: How to Choose the Right One for Your Family

Paediatric Dietitian

Do you have a child who is struggling with anxiety around food? Do they refuse to eat anything other than a few select items? If so, paediatric dietitian Brisbane may be the right solution for your family. Dietitians are recommended for children because they can help with a variety of issues, including picky eating, anxiety … Read more

Breast Cancer Statistics That Might Interest You

Breast Cancer Statistics That Might Interest You

Breast cancer is a killer. It is highly treatable in its early stages, but unfortunately, a lot of people only notice it after it metastasizes and spreads throughout the body’s lymphatic system. The best way to identify breast cancer is to perform regular checks and learn about the condition. The more that you know about … Read more

How Clean Hands Can Save Lives

Clean Hands

It is said that the human body is a machine, and like all machines, it must be kept clean to function properly. For the human body, this means keeping our hands clean. Studies have shown that hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infection. But despite this knowledge, … Read more