Star that explodes , increasing greatly in brightness crossword clue

Today we will give answer to the Star that explodes, increasing greatly in brightness crossword clue. This 9 letters clue is very easy to fill. Let’s check the answer in details. To short out the answer, write all answer in plain paper and fill the most suitable answer with 9 letters.

Answer for the Star that explodes , increasing greatly in brightness crossword clue

The answer for the Star that explodes, increasing greatly in brightness crossword clue is SUPERNOVA. This is the stage of the star that has high brightness. Let’s check more details on SUPERNOVA.

About the answer

A supernova is a star that has reached the end of its life cycle and has exploded. These massive stellar explosions are some of the brightest objects in the universe, and can often be seen with the naked eye. Supernovae are thought to play an important role in the universe, as they enrich the interstellar medium with heavy elements like oxygen and iron. They also create powerful shockwaves that can trigger the formation of new stars.

There are two main types of supernova: Type Ia and Type II. Type Ia supernova is thought to occur when a white dwarf star accretes matter from a nearby companion star, causing it to reach a critical mass and explode. Type II supernova, on the other hand, are thought to occur when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapse under its own gravity. Regardless of their type, all supernovae are incredibly powerful events that help to shape our universe.

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There are many stages of stars including Supernova.

A star goes through several stages in its lifetime. The first stage is the protostar stage, where the star is still forming from a cloud of dust and gas. The second stage is the main sequence stage, where the star is burning hydrogen in its core. The third stage is the red giant stage, where the star has run out of hydrogen and is burning other elements in its core. The fourth stage is the white dwarf stage, where the star has cooled and is no longer shining brightly. Finally, the star will either become a neutron star or a black hole. These are the main stages of a star’s life cycle. Let’s check more details on the last stage of the star.

Neutron star

Black holes are perhaps the most mysterious and intriguing objects in the universe. They are incredibly dense, with a gravitational pull so strong that not even light can escape. Despite their name, black holes are actually invisible; however, we can observe their effects on the objects around them. For example, a black hole can distort time and space, causing stars to appear stretched out or bent.

Additionally, black hole can cause nearby objects to orbit at high speeds. As they continue to consume matter and grow larger, black holes can eventually devour entire galaxies. In many ways, black holes represent the ultimate unknown; they challenge our understanding of physics and offer a tantalizing glimpse into the workings of the cosmos.