Netherlands has announced Christmas lockdown From 20 December 2021

Netherlands has announced Christmas lockdown 2021 over fear of Corona virus. Lots of people have started panic shopping before the announcement. It was bad news for many but it is also essential due to increase of corona virus cases.

What will be closed during Netherlands Christmas lockdown 2021

For each household only two guest will be allowed in this Christmas holidays. Also, gyms, bars, non essential shops, and hair dressers will be remain closed till mid of January. The lockdown will start from the tomorrow on Sunday.

The guest limit will also slightly changed from 24 Dec. to 26 Dec and New Year eve. On this time 4 guests over 13 year will be allowed in each home. People of Netherlands are advised to stay at home, avoid travelling and enjoy festival time. Till 9th January 2022, all schools will be closed. The lockdown will apply till 14 January 2022. Further steps will be taken as per situation in mid January.

People are looking disappointed as their holiday plans are cancelled immediately. Also, there is guest limit for celebrating festival at home. The prime mininster of Netherlands said this lockdown as “unavoidable” due to current situation of corona virus spreads.

Other European countries like France, Cyprus and Austria have also started strict measures over Omicron fear while festival season. To slow down spread of new variant of corona virus, many European countries are seeking lockdown measures. Fireworks on New Year’s eve has been cancelled in Paris. Many countries has closed parks, museum, public gathering nd other tourist attractions. Pubs and bars are closed after 8 am in Ireland.

Austria  and Cyprus have also started new travel restrictions. New corona virus variant Omicron is already found in 89 countries, says WHO. In Omicron variant, case doubling rate is also too fast. Countries with most vaccinated people are also getting higher rate of infection in Omicron variant.

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