How to set up a workspace at home

During the pandemic, many people moved to work remotely. In this regard, for most of them, an important question arose: how to equip the workplace at home so that work efficiency does not decrease, but at the same time, it is comfortable. The pandemic has already ended, but not everyone has returned to the office – many continue to work from home, which means that the need to create a workspace outside the office is still relevant. About what factors it is important to consider if you plan to work from home – we will tell in this article.

5 General Rules for Workplace Ergonomics

  • The most important thing is to choose the right table

Choosing a table is one of the main tasks in organizing a workplace. The rest of the furniture and decor will line up around it. The work surface should be large enough to accommodate all the tools that you will constantly use during the work process.

According to medical recommendations, the standard dimensions of an office desk should be 1200x60x75 cm. If you only occasionally check your mail, a small table is enough. But if you work remotely all the time, you can opt for a multifunctional large table.

  • What are you sitting on?

The office chair should be as comfortable as possible. The wrong chair can lead to posture problems, leading to more serious back problems. The correct position of the legs and arms will avoid health problems and ensure an efficient work process. A good workplace chair should meet the following criteria – adjustable in height and have an ergonomic back.

  • Workplace lighting

There should be enough light in the workplace so as not to spoil your eyesight. It is best to use natural light to the maximum and place the work area close to the window. But if necessary, additional lighting can be installed.

  • Home Office Storage Furniture

There are three levels of storage required for work – above the table, on the table, and under the table. For maximum convenience, it is better to use all three levels. Above the table you can hang shelves for books and office equipment, under the table you can place cabinets and drawers. At the same time, it is important to place the furniture so that everything can be easily reached.

  • Timely rest

Many scientists have repeatedly proved that the best rest is a change of occupation. So take breaks from time to time and get up from your desk. You can do light gymnastics or walk around the room to stretch your back and relax your eyes after hard work at the computer. Many people like to relax without leaving their workplace – they play online games or gamble at NZ casino.

Some people can’t work from home because they’re distracted by everything – it makes it hard to concentrate, and therefore the efficiency of work becomes worse. To prevent this from happening, you can rent a room where everything is ready for work. Today there are a large number of coworking spaces where you can comfortably work all day. In addition, there is always where to drink coffee and take a break for lunch. If it is expensive for you to rent such a room, you can team up with your friends or colleagues and share the rent with everyone. The advantage of such rooms is that everything is already ready for work there – you just have to bring your laptop and other necessary items that you need in the work process.

Another original option used by many remote workers is the organization of the workspace on the balcony. The main advantage here is that there is always a lot of light on the balcony, which means you do not have to look for additional sources of lighting. In addition, you can always open a window on the balcony so that there is always fresh air. As you know, there is almost always a lack of oxygen on office premises – therefore, if you organize a workplace on the balcony, you can avoid this.

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Whatever your workplace is, the most important thing is that you sit comfortably at your desk, and your arms and legs are in the correct position. Try to pay attention not only to your posture but also to the position of your head, neck, and other parts of the body. All this plays a big role and affects your health.