How to move safely using moving companies in Bronx New York 

Perhaps you just got a new job or just got a mortgage outside of the Bronx, New York and you’re planning on moving soon. 

Using moving companies is the most suitable option because of their efficiency in handling items, especially if you have bulky belongings.

But before you decide on using moving companies, there are some things you need to know. 

In this guide, we will discuss all you need to know about moving using moving companies and how to move safely using them.

Get ready before the moving day

If you want to move using moving companies, you should start preparing very early. Preparing early will ensure that you don’t leave out important stuff or start panicking on the day when the moving company you hired is around because you forgot to do something that you should have done.

Here are what you need to get ready for moving:


When moving out, there’s always the need to sort out your stuff. Check your stuff and remove all the unnecessary items that you don’t want to take along to your new home. 

The best method of decluttering is to have three boxes, one where you put things you want to take with you, one for worn-out stuff that you want to throw away, and the other one for items that are still in good condition that can be sold or donated to charity.

Prepare moving supplies 

After sorting your stuff, you know the number of things you are moving, so you can now get moving supplies. There are so many packing and moving materials that you’ll need. If you’re not sure of the right amount of supplies to get, you can use packing calculators to help you get a rough estimate.

Some of the materials you’ll need to get for packing up are: 

  • Moving Boxes
  • Packing tape 
  • Tape gun
  • Box cutter
  • Packing paper
  • Mattress and sofa cover
  • Bubble wrap


The most essential part of moving is packing. You should start packing at least two weeks before the moving-out day. You’ll have a lot of stuff to pack and you don’t want to leave out the important stuff and pack the unnecessary ones or vice versa, so you must take your time when packing.

Make a checklist 

Asides from packing and sorting your stuff, there are some things you must want to get done before the moving day. 

The best thing to do is to make a checklist of those things so that when you’ve hired a moving company, you won’t need to reschedule or cancel because you remember you still have some things to do.

Some of the things you might want to do include:

  • Changing your mailing address.
  • Obtain medical records.
  • Transfer of bank accounts.
  • Cancel/transfer memberships of some organizations you might belong to.
  • Transfer deliveries and subscriptions.

Choose a moving company

Now that you’re well organized and set to move, you need a moving company to help you take your belongings to your new location.

Considering the number of moving companies in Bronx, New York, you might be a little bit overwhelmed when choosing, especially if it’s your first time. You need to be careful and make your findings before hiring a moving company in Bronx, New York.

Here’s what you should do before hiring:

Seek advice

It’s advisable to seek advice and get recommendations from your family and friends who have hired moving companies in the Bronx in the past. 

Since you’re inexperienced in moving and using moving companies’ services, you should seek recommendations from people to know which companies you should consider and which ones you should avoid totally. This way, you can narrow down your list and do further research on the recommended ones.

Review the quotations 

When looking for a Bronx moving company, you need to review the quotations. You don’t want to hire a company whose moving estimate is above your budget. 

You can compare the quotations of maybe five companies to know which one is good for your budget. But be careful when checking quotations, you shouldn’t choose a company just because their price is lower, check other factors too.

Check that they are licensed and insured

To avoid falling victim to scammers disguised as moving companies in the Bronx, New York, you need to ask for a license and insurance before hiring a moving company.

There might not be a lot of scam records about moving companies in Bronx, New York but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. So, you need to be careful and ask for the necessary details before hiring.

Get a written contract

After deciding on which moving company to hire, ask for a written contract. The contract should contain what happens in case of missing or damaged belongings. If they don’t agree to this, know this is a red flag and back out.

Moving Day

Wow, now it’s D-Day! Here are what you should do to ensure a safe move on that day.

Pack some refreshments 

Get some food and drinks ready for the road trip. Don’t pack them with your belongings in the moving truck, let them be in sight where you can easily access them.

Recheck your old apartment 

You might want to have a last look before you move to ensure you’re not leaving anything important hanging somewhere. It’s good to verify.

Also Read: What You Need To Organize Your Desk, Desk Drawers & Office


Moving to a new location using moving companies is the best, you don’t have to burden yourself with loading and unloading your belongings. But you need to have proper planning in place to get things right.