How to Increase Income through Freelance Writing

To secure the goals I have set with my frugal lifestyle, I will need to increase my income. I have a few ideas on how to do this and I have already put the gears in motion to do this. First, I have increased the number of pitches to potential freelance writing clients. Second, I will procure more items of value to flip or resell.

I’ve been a freelance writer for the past 10 years. Most of my writing is for clients who have their own business-related blogs. I haven’t limited myself to a single niche so I have the experience and know-how to write in several areas. Personal finance is my favorite genre because it offers guidance to a large segment of blog readers but I’ve found success in every area I’ve written in.

Each blog post I write for clients earns me between $50 and $300 depending on the length and depth of research I need to put in. I don’t like to rehash what everyone else has been writing about but I also need to study my client’s blog, including the comments, to see what their visitors are accustomed to and what they’re asking for.

How to Find Freelance Clients

There are many methods to finding freelance writing clients. The low-lying fruit is the easiest to find because they’re the ones advertising that they are in need of writers. You can find them advertising on sites like Problogger, Upwork, and Craigslist, among others. Most of these are lowballers, meaning they want more for less, which is very frugal of them, but not necessarily good for freelance writers.

You see, as a freelance writer, it is unlikely that I would accept anything that pays less than .10 cents per word. I have on occasion, but I generally seek out clients willing to pay $1 per word or more. I get a lot of my clients from LinkedIn but if I want to write what I like to write about I need to search out clients that haven’t yet realized what a professional writer can do for them.

These clients tend to be local or regional businesses with a physical location and also have a new or fledgling blog and social media presence. There are thousands of businesses that meet my criteria and when I find them, I craft a pitch that can be a win-win for both of us.

Forgive me for a moment. I’m assuming you are reading this because you share the idea that freelance writing is a good choice to increase your income as well. Any sort of freelancing can also apply. You may be a graphic designer, an artist, a computer programmer, or have any other skill that can be taught to others.

You may be surprised at what simple skills can translate into extra income or even replace your current income.

I encourage you to take a look at this blog post by Ammar on how to make money online?

It is the number one bestseller on Amazon for Business Writing, Starting a Business, and Business & Money, with over 480 reviews. If you’re inspired by personal finance writing then this is for you but if you’re looking for a step-by-step guide then you may need something more once you find a path that you would like to try.

How to Find a Freelance Writing Client

There are tons of ways to approach potential writing clients. An in-person visit works sometimes but it is very intimidating to the business owner as well as the writer. The best way is to get a personal recommendation or introduction but that takes a lot of networking. The second best way is to craft a professional pitch to the decision-maker of the business.

Before you can pitch, you need to find the right business. Start off with what you know in your own neighborhood. Find a business that could be doing much better than it is. Try to find them on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn to see who is in charge and making decisions.

Next, find the competition to that business and discover which ones have a better presence. Doing this will arm you with evidence that things could be better.

You should do this for every niche you can think of with a physical location. Lawyers, Dentists, Doctors, Hair Stylists, Auto Mechanics, Gift and Craft shops, and Restaurants are the best, to begin with.

How to Pitch a Freelance Writing Client

There are several steps to writing a successful pitch to a potential writing client. Here are the steps I take:

  1. Use an interest-piquing headline. You need to craft this so that the person actually opens your email pitch. Here is an example of what I like to use; “I can help increase your business by 30% in the next few months.”
  2. Personalize the email. Make sure you are sending it to the exact decision-maker it needs to reach. Find this person’s name by researching it on social media or if you have to, call the business and ask who is in charge.
  3. State the purpose of the email. I use this; “I’m reaching out to you because I’m certain that the content I create for you will improve community presence and reach to potential clients.” Then mention the types of content you can provide.
  4. Introduce yourself in a way that establishes yourself as an accomplished writer and shows proof that you can do what you claim you can do. A link to your portfolio or clips of your writing would do well here.
  5. Outline your services and packages you can offer. I tend to offer packages that include multiple posts over a specific period of time. I offer blog posts in combination with other content I can create for specific social media.
  6. Ask for a call back to discuss options. This is the most important part of the pitch so don’t forget to leave an email or phone number to reach you.

Also read: Keep These 5 Things in Mind Before Starting a Business

Example of My Cold Pitch Email

Hi [first name],

My name is [name] and I’m reaching out to you because you were referred to me by [common connection on social media] as someone that might benefit from my services as a professional writer.

I’ve researched your business, blog, and social media presence and I am confident that the content I can create for you will increase your reach in all of these areas. If you haven’t already noticed, [competitor] is out-performing you which is likely why your potential clients are going to them instead of you.

I can turn this around for you by creating blog posts and other social media content that will increase your name recognition and you client intake by at least 30% over the next several months.

I offer several packages that can greatly benefit you and your business. Here are some examples:

[packages offered].

As you can see, the value of these packages is both reasonable and attractive. Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that we can build a package that meets your criteria.



[email address]

[contact phone number]