Cryptolocker Is An Example Of Which Of The Following?

Here we will serve answer of a common question, cryptolocker is an example of which of the following? We know you all heard this cryptolocker word in this digital era. And here we will give an answer and more details about cryptolocker.

Cryptolocker is an example of which of the following?

  • Polymorphic Virus.
  • File Infector Virus.
  • Ransomware (Data Encryption Trojan)
  • Multipartite Virus.
  • Macro Virus.

The correct answer of cryptolocker is an example of which of the following is Ransomware (Data Encryption Trojan).

This type of malware encrypts files on a victim’s computer, making them inaccessible unless the victim pays a ransom. Cryptolocker is especially damaging because it can spread quickly through a network, and it can encrypt not only files but also backups.

As a result, victims may be left with no way to recover their data. While there are some tools that can decrypt files encrypted by cryptolocker, they are not always successful. For this reason, it is often advisable to simply pay the ransom and hope for the best. In any case, cryptolocker is a dangerous piece of malware that should be avoided at all costs.

How does the CryptoLocker virus work?

Cryptolocker is a type of virus that targets computers running the Windows operating system. When a computer is infected with Cryptolocker, the virus will encrypt certain types of files using a public key cryptography system. The encryption renders the files unusable, and the only way to decrypt them is by using a private key, which is only accessible to the virus creators.

In order to obtain the private key, victims are typically asked to pay a ransom, usually in the form of Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. The Cryptolocker virus has caused billions of dollars in damages since it first appeared in 2013, and it continues to be a major threat to computer users worldwide.

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What encryption does CryptoLocker use?

When it comes to encryption, CryptoLocker definitely takes the cake. This notorious ransomware uses a combination of RSA and AES encryption to ensure that your files are completely locked down. But how exactly does this work? RSA encryption is a public-key cryptosystem that uses two unique keys: a public key, which is known to everyone, and a private key, which is known only to the recipient.

On the other hand, AES encryption is a symmetric-key cryptosystem that uses the same key for encryption and decryption. Together, these two methods make it extremely difficult (if not impossible) to decrypt a CryptoLocker-encrypted file without the private key. So if you’re ever unfortunate enough to get hit with this nasty piece of malware, just remember that your best bet is to pay the ransom and hope that the criminals actually give you the key!

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How is CryptoLocker spread?

CryptoLocker is a type of malicious software (or malware) that encrypts files on your computer, making them inaccessible unless you pay a ransom. But how does this devious malware end up on your machine in the first place? CryptoLocker is usually spread through spam emails or infected websites. These spam emails often look like they’re from a legitimate source, such as a shipping company or a financial institution. They may even include attachments or links that appear to be safe, but when clicked, will download the CryptoLocker virus onto your computer.

Once on your system, CryptoLocker will start encrypting files and folders, adding a .locked extension to them. In some cases, it will also create a text file with instructions on how to pay the ransom and decrypt your files. If you’re lucky enough to catch CryptoLocker before it starts encrypting your files, you may be able to remove it using antivirus software.

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However, once your files are encrypted, the only way to get them back is to pay the ransom and hope that the person behind CryptoLocker actually provides you with the decryption key. So be warned if you don’t want to end up being held ransom by CryptoLocker, don’t open.