Business Emails Are Still A Thing – Here’s How To Use Them Well

Email might seem like an outdated way of communication in the business world, but it’s still very much alive and kicking. A recent study showed that email is the most popular communication at work, with 81% of professionals using it daily.

So if you’re one of the few people who doesn’t use email at work, or you’re just unsure how to use it effectively, this guide is for you. We’ll be covering everything from how to write a good subject line to what kind of information you should include in your emails. So whether you’re new to emailing or you just want to brush up on your skills, read on for our top tips on how to use email in the workplace.

Make sure your subject line is clear and concise

Your subject line is like a headline – it should be clear, concise, and tell the reader what to expect from your email. A good subject line will entice the reader to open your email, while a bad one will have them hitting the delete button.

When writing your subject line, think about what you want the reader to do after reading your email. Do you want them to click on a link? Register for an event? Make a purchase? Whatever it is, make sure your subject line reflects that. For example, if you’re sending an email about a new product launch, your subject line could be something like “Introducing the new XYZ product.”

Being clear and concise extends to your email address. Acquiring email hosting from a reputable provider can give your business a more professional look. And using a custom domain name (like can also help you appear more credible.

Keep your emails short and to the point

The average person spends over two hours each day checking email, and the average business user spending even more time. So it’s no wonder we often feel like we’re drowning in a sea of messages.

One way to reduce your time dealing with email is to keep your messages short and to the point. Studies have shown that most people prefer brief emails that get straight to the point.

When you’re composing a business email, always ask yourself if what you’re about to say can be said in fewer words. If so, make the edit. Not only will it save you time writing the message, but it will also save the recipient time reading it.

Of course, there are times when a longer email is necessary. But in general, brevity is the soul of wit – and of effective business email communication.

Use a professional tone

When you’re corresponding with clients or customers, it’s important to maintain a professional tone in your emails. This doesn’t mean that you have to be stiff or formal – after all, part of building good relationships is creating a rapport with the people you’re working with. But it does mean avoiding any language or behavior that could be construed as unprofessional.

That means no slang, no emojis, and no gossiping about other people or companies. It also means being careful about the way you handle sensitive information, and proofreading your messages carefully before hitting send.

Using a professional tone in your business emails will help create the right impression of you and your company. It’ll make you seem more credible and trustworthy, and help you build better relationships with the people you’re communicating with.

Include all relevant information

Business emails are still a very popular way of communication in the business world. This still holds true today, despite the rise of other options such as social media and instant messaging. There are many reasons for this – email is still an incredibly efficient way to communicate, it’s easy to use and store, and it’s universally accessible.

However, there are also some drawbacks to using email – it can be easy to misuse or abuse, and it’s often seen as less personal than other forms of communication. Despite these drawbacks, email is still an incredibly important tool in any business’ arsenal, and understanding how to use it effectively is essential.

Use appropriate sign-offs

When you’re corresponding with someone for business purposes, using an appropriate sign-off is essential. This shows that you’re taking the email seriously and respecting the recipient’s time. There are a few different sign-offs that are commonly used in business emails. “Sincerely” is always a safe choice. “Best” or “All the best” are also good options.

If you know the recipient well, you can use a more personal sign-off like “Cheers” or “Take care.” Just make sure that it’s appropriate for the relationship.

When in doubt, err on the side of formality. It’s better to be too formal than too informal in a business email.

Proofread your email before sending

In a world where we’re constantly inundated with emails, it’s more important than ever to ensure that our messages are clear, concise, and error-free. After all, first impressions matter – and an email full of typos will not create a good one.

So, before you hit “send” on your next business email, take a moment to proofread it. A few quick reads-through will help to catch any errors or awkward phrasing, and ensure that your message comes across the way you want it to.

In addition to proofreading your emails before sending them, there are a few other ways to ensure they’re as effective as possible. Here are some tips:

  • Keep it short and sweet: No one wants to read a novel in their inbox. Get to the point quickly and be as concise as possible.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation: This comes down to making a good impression. An email with errors will look unprofessional – no matter how good the content may be. Take the time to ensure that your message is well-written and free of any mistakes.
  • Consider your tone: How you write an email can say a lot about you as a person and a professional. Avoid sounding too casual or overly formal, and aim for something in between. Be polite, but not overly friendly, and stay positive without sounding fake or insincere.

Proofreading your email before sending it is a quick and easy to ensure it’s error-free. And taking the time to do so will help to ensure that your message is clear, concise, and professional. So don’t overlook this important step in the email-writing process!

Email is still a vital part of communication in the workplace, so it’s important to know how to use it effectively. By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to write clear, concise, and professional emails that will get the job done.