Amputations and Disfigurement

Serious accidents can disfigurement and reconstructive surgery involving amputation may be the only solution for the injured person. Unfortunately, disfigurement injuries and amputations are irreversible and life-changing.

Victims of amputations and disfigurement resulting from the negligence of another party require substantial funds, therapy sessions, and other forms of support to manage the physical and emotional scars left by the injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered amputations and disfigurement through an accident, you should contact attorneys in Anchorage Alaska to get the justice that you deserve. But what is considered amputations or disfigurement?

Amputation and Disfigurement Explained

Amputation refers to the surgical detachment of a limb and it can be minor or major. For instance, the removal of a small part of your finger is a minor amputation while the removal of a leg or arm is a major amputation. Amputations are a last resort when the injured body part will only cause more complications–such as bacterial infection if they’re not removed.

Disfigurement occurs when soft tissues, such as ligaments, the skin, muscles, and others, are permanently damaged.  The damage can be nerve damage, scarring, burns or scalds, and others. An amputation is a form of disfigurement but both injuries require lifelong treatment and rehabilitation.

Any injury that could physically alter the structure or require the removal of a body part is considered an amputation or disfigurement. Common accidents that can cause an amputation or disfigurement case can include:

Dog Bites

Animals are not responsible for the injuries they inflict on humans, but their owners are because they’re supposed to restrain them to avoid human contact. You’ll be responsible if your dog attacks and injures a person.

Road Rash

Road rash refers to abrasions on the skin resulting from friction. These types of injuries are common in bicycle and motorcycle accidents but can occur when you’re hit by an airbag in a car accident.

Fire and Hot Liquids

Disfigurement is common in fire and hot liquids accidents thanks to the high temperatures involved. Chemicals, such as acids, can also disfigure the body.

Car Accidents

Major car accidents leave fractures and other severe injuries in their wake. The injuries cause hampered performance of the limb or the injured body part and may require rehabilitation and therapy for the victim of the accident to achieve a full recovery.

Why are Amputation or Disfigurement Cases Unique?

Amputation and disfigurement injuries are typically extensive and have lifelong implications, such as lost wages, medical bills, and emotional anguish–that’s beside the required ongoing specialized care after surgery if the injuries are severe. The patient might also require physical therapy, medical equipment, continuous medical appointments, and much more, for the rest of their lives.

The consequences of the other types of personal injuries may not be permanent, unlike amputations and disfigurements where a victim can fall into depression if they’re not supported by those close to them. Losing a part of your body can be traumatic and you might not be the right person to pursue justice for your injuries. You should work with a personal injury attorney who will initiate legal action to ensure you’re compensated and the faulting party is brought to book while you concentrate on recovery.

Amputation Lawsuits

Amputation cases involve more medical testimonies than other personal injury cases and proving fault or negligence can be a challenge–another reason why you might need the help of a lawyer. Amputation and disfigurement involve higher awards; the defendant will do everything possible, such as hiring the best legal team, to avoid liability. So, why should you not also invest in a competent lawyer and increase your chances of success? All amputation cases are subject to personal injury law and are filed as:

  • Medical malpractices if the negligence of a doctor or medical facility is responsible for the amputation;
  • Car accident injury claims if the amputation resulted from the negligence of a motorist;
  • Workman compensation  if the amputation resulted from work-related injuries;
  • Product liability if the amputation resulted from injuries caused by a faulty machine or a harmful product.

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What to do After Amputation or Disfigurement

1. The first and most important thing is ensuring you’re mentally prepared and capable of being involved in the lawsuit. You might not be directly involved in the lawsuit because you can hire a lawyer to handle the case but your presence can help the lawyer in one way or another.

2. Gather relevant evidence from all sources possible to build a strong case. Your lawyer will need concrete and sufficient evidence to file and sustain legal action.

3. Contact a competent personal injury lawyer to initiate legal action. Remember time is ticking and your injury claim could be time-barred if you delay. You must also ensure that your lawyer is familiar with amputation and disfigurement law.

Amputation and disfigurement cases are typically complicated, particularly proving the guilt of the defendant, but with a reliable legal team, you’ll be guaranteed a fair trial.