7 Things You Should Know About Making A Will and Trust

Wills and trusts are two of the most important tools to plan how your assets will be distributed after death. It doesn’t just include money; you should also consider who you want to inherit your personal belongings, such as your books, furniture, or car when you die, and what charities you want to provide with donations after you die. If you don’t make these plans, the state will determine how your assets will be distributed.

The types of wills available in your state will vary. Still, generally, you can choose between a holographic will, a nuncupative will, and an oral will, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. While drafting your own will might seem easy, you may be surprised by how many things you miss or don’t understand. We’ve outlined some things you should know about making a will and trust in your state so that you can make an informed decision about which type of document to use and how to complete it to avoid costly mistakes down the road.

  1. What Makes Intestate and Probate Different?

The terms “intestate” and “probate” are frequently used interchangeably. The phrases refer to two entirely different concepts. Having your will put through probate is considerably different than passing away intestate. 

It is necessary to probate a will if you ever consider deciding how things turn out after death. It is because dying intestate means passing away without leaving a will. Probate is called the court-supervised legal procedure of confirming the validity of your will and allocating assets from your estate. A local court will designate a person to manage your estate during probate.

A person dies intestate when they don’t have a valid will. The probate process will be applied to their assets. However, state law will be applied to determine how all assets will be distributed because no documentation would instruct the judge on who should be regarded as a beneficiary. 

  1. What Are A Will And Trust?

A will is a legal document that explains how you want your assets to be distributed after you die. It’s also a document that names someone as the executor of your estate, who will oversee the distribution of those assets in accordance with what you’ve specified in your will. 

A trust is an arrangement whereby one person (called the trustee) holds legal title to the property for the benefit of another (the beneficiary). The trustee manages property for specific purposes or according to instructions set out in a trust agreement. 

  1. What Are The Benefits Of Having A Will Or Trust?

There are many benefits of a will or trust, but 55-60% of Americans don’t have a will. In the event of your death, your will or trust can specify how you want your property distributed and who you want to take care of minor children. It also helps avoid disputes among family members about what should be done with your possessions. If you’re married, your spouse usually inherits everything if you die without a will. 

  1. How Do You Write A Will?

Selecting an executor is the first stage. This individual will be in charge of managing your will and estate. To be sure they are ready to accept this task, speak with this person in advance. Second, it’s critical to maintain accurate records of all your property, including real and personal property. A list of your debts, including mortgages, must also be made. The next step is to select the beneficiaries who will receive your estate. 

  1. How Do You Create A Trust?

A trust must be established legally, which takes more time than creating a will. A trust, however, offers several advantages that a will does not. Whatever method you decide on, a few fundamental stages are involved in creating trust.

A trust agreement must be written as a first step. Details on the grantor, the assets and property, the trust beneficiaries, the trustee, and the replacement trustee are included in this document. In addition, some states demand that you notarize the trust agreement. 

  1. How Often Should I Update My Will Or Trust? 

The first thing to know about wills and trusts is that they should be updated periodically to reflect any changes in your life. For example, if you have children or grandchildren, their names should be added to their will, trust, and age. The document must reflect these changes if you get married or divorced. Any time there’s an addition or deletion of beneficiaries, property titles, or other major changes, you must review the will or trust with an attorney who can update it accordingly. 

  1. What Are The Consequences Of Not Having A Will Or Trust?

If you die without a will or trust, it’s called intestate death. It means that your property will be distributed according to state law. The intestate system provides for the distribution of your property to your spouse, children, grandchildren, and parents (if they’re alive). If none of these people are alive, then the property would go to your siblings. The property will go to the state if none of these people are alive.

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While making a will and trust may seem frightening, you can handle it well if you consult with an attorney who’s well-versed in these matters. By reading this article, you will know some important things you should know about making your own will and trust to ensure that your wishes are executed properly after you’re gone.