4 Myths About Face Masks Busted

The 2020 pandemic had come down on everybody like an evil omen. As such, Australia recorded a whopping 6.8 million cases of Covid-19. But it was a number worth lauding given the state of the rest of the world. So this fantastic management of the outbreak was a result of the mandate on wearing masks and social distancing. And face masks made in Australia did all the heavy lifting at a time when they needed to.

Nevertheless, a plethora of myths surrounding its use continues to circulate. And here are some facts to bust them:

Myth #1: Masks Make It Harder for Children to Breathe

Many individuals have raised concerns stating that face masks might restrict oxygen flow and result in Hypoxemia or low oxygen levels. But masks are composed of breathable fabrics that will not interfere with the child’s ability to breathe. Besides, they have not been observed to affect a child’s focus and concentration.

Children aged two and above can safely wear masks for long stretches of time, like while attending preschool or at childcare homes. And this population includes the large bulk who require special healthcare.

Myth #2: A Person Who Isn’t Sick Does Not Need to Wear a Mask

According to new research, most patients with COVID-19 do not exhibit symptoms. Hence, using even a cotton mask helps to reduce COVID-19 transmission in such cases.

When these individuals talk, sneeze, cough, or raise their voices, they are unaware that they spread the infection to others. Meanwhile, wearing a mask reduces the spread of these respiratory droplets to others around us. Therefore, one may put on face masks made in Australia to protect those around them and vice versa.

Myth #3: Masks Trap the Carbon Dioxide That People Breathe Out

There have been inaccurate suggestions that wearing a face mask might cause carbon dioxide poisoning or Hypercapnia due to the re-breathing of air that people typically expel. But this is entirely untrue.

Carbon dioxide molecules are minuscule, and they are smaller than respiratory droplets. As such, breathable materials, such as disposable masks, cannot keep them trapped. And as a matter of fact, surgeons wear tight-fitting face masksall day due to the requirement of their professions, with no ill effects.

However, if wearing a mask makes one feel uneasy, they can limit their talking and inhale through the nose. This will minimise the amount of moisture in the mask.

Also read: All You Need To Know About KN95 Masks?

Myth #4: Wearing a Mask Means One Does Not Have to Practice Social Distancing

Masks help reduce viral transmission, but it is also vital to maintain physical distance. As such, people must continue to abide by the following guidelines:

  • In-person interactions should be limited.
  • Frequently wash hands with soap.
  • In case one isn’t feeling well, they need to stay at home.
  • Take a test on identifying symptoms.
  • To schedule a test, contact a local health care provider.
  • If someone has been exposed to a person who is sick or was tested positive, they must isolate themselves.

The vaccines have indeed worked their wonder, and currently, the numbers of serious infections are much lower. However, wearing face masks made in Australia has helped people prevent people pass any asymptomatic infections to others. This is also why a lot of places around the world continue to maintain the mandate.

So, as people march towards the end of the pandemic, it is imperative not to lower the guard. Or rather, not lower the masks.Always wear this miraculous, little medical PPE when you’re out and you’ll be sure to be protecting yourself and the people around you as well.