13 Important Factors to Consider While Applying for Patent

It is crucial to safeguard your innovation’s rights in a world full of ever-rising competition and a race among big companies and their products. And the best way to protect your inventions and business property is by getting a patent.

Starting a business might seem easy; however, making it successful and taking it to the heights of glory can be a challenging task. Once you have put sincere and consistent efforts to make your business successful, you need to protect its brand value by fulfilling legal rights.

What is a Patent?

A patent gives you the exclusive right for your invention, such as utility, design, and plant. It is a right provided by a government to produce and sell something for a certain number of years. A patent usually lasts 20 years from the filing date of the application.

It should be essential to disclose technical information about your invention to the public to get a patent.

Factors to Consider While Applying For Patent – 13 Important Factors

If you think you are in a position to apply an application for a patent, please consider the below factors before getting into it.

1.     Acknowledge why You Need This

The first and foremost step, to begin with, is to question yourself why you need this. In every aspect of the business, you need to learn about it and how it matters for your business.

2.     Market Research

Define your business goals and strategies to see if this is a feasible option for you. If your business is too small, your product may not be commercially viable.

3.     Find Attorneys with Excellent Subject Area Knowledge

The main work of an Idaho patent attorney is to fulfill the proceeding and filing of your patent application, also supporting your intellectual property rights.

4.     Unusual Delays In The Process

There can be unexpected delays, multiple rounds of application revisions, and even your appeal cycles during proceeding with your application.

5.     Understanding Of Law

The proper knowledge of the law and how judicial bodies work help apply for a patent application. Sometimes law changes with time, and this can dramatically affect your case. So it will help if you keep yourself updated.

6.     Over Budget For The Process

The court proceedings generally require a fair amount of money. So be prepared yourself before considering applying for a patent.

7.     Keep a Written Record of Your Invention

While proceeding, there can be a chance of miss handling the case and false claims. To avoid this, record each step of your proceeding in a notepad and details of your invention with dates.

8.     Work Closely With Your Patent Attorney

Feel free to discuss anything with your attorney, as they will provide the best legal advice to you. They will make the final application of your case. So consult as much as you can with your attorney.

9.     Make Sure Your Invention Qualifies For A Patent

Getting a patent just based on an idea is not enough. You also need to show how your invention works. It must be unique and different to get its patent rights.

10.   Review The Draft Application Before its Filed

Before filing, please make sure that is anything important missing in the provided documents? Check if something seems weird, ask about it confidently to get along smoothly.

11.  Get Access to Commercial Potential of Your Invention

Before making this decision, research the market you wish to enter and then decide whether it is worthy for that niche you want to get the patent rights.

To own patent rights for your invention, you need to research all the earlier developments in your field. Although patent searching is a bit time-consuming, it’s a requirement.

13.  Know Your Deadlines and Timings

You should take special care of deadlines as there are timing considerations. The usual period will be 6 to 8 months to hear back from USPTO about your application on the patent right.

Also read: Keep These 5 Things in Mind Before Starting a Business


Filing for a patent application can be hectic and time-consuming. You have to be patient throughout the whole process and be alert if anything you find weird. But once the process is complete, it is worth it as it provides a patent to your invention.